Handmade Hoops by Peachysteve

Lift Out Back Pass

Taken from Chapter 4 of
An Instructional DVD by Peachysteve


When combining arm two with arm one we needed to truncate and join the two movements.
To combine arm one with arm two we can simply run the first into the second with a back pass rather than a throw in.

Do an arm one take out.
Follow it through to the throw in position.
hooping lift out back pass hooping lift out back pass
Instead of throwing in, pass the hoop to hand two.
Go straight into the arm two lift out.
hooping lift out back pass hooping lift out back pass
Complete the arm two lift out to the throw in hooping lift out back pass hooping lift out back pass
It takes a little while to get comfortable with this back pass.
Try not to let the hoop make contact with your body.
Pass from hand one directly to hand two.
hooping lift out back pass hooping lift out back pass

Here you can see the move run

hooping lift out back pass

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to return to
Overhead Lift Out Pass
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Click Here
to see
Continuous Lift Outs