Handmade Hoops by Peachysteve

Body Lift

Taken from Chapter 4 of
An Instructional DVD by Peachysteve


The body lift is a great move, it looks and feels good.
This move starts with the curl down from overhead hand circles and ends with hooping on the waist.

I'll show this from two angles and then in close up.

When curling down I swing the hoop much further away from my body to build momentum.
I keep the hoop horizontal.
hooping body lifthooping body lift
As the hoop swings behind me I bend at the waist
allowing my arm to slide up my lower back.
hooping body lifthooping body lift
The hoop circles around until it's over my body.
My arm (arm one) is wrapped right around my back.
hooping body lifthooping body lift
I lift up through the hoop.
I leave my hand in position to prevent knocking the hoop.
As soon as the hoop starts going round my waist I make big circles with my hips to catch the timing.
hooping body lifthooping body lift
Swing the hoop out.
Bend and let the hoop circle over you.
hooping body lifthooping body lift
Watch for the hoop coming over you.
You have to lift your body up quickly.
Keep your hand in position for as long as you can.
hooping body lifthooping body lift

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Drop Through
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Outside Circles