Handmade Hoops by Peachysteve

Two Hoop Arm Push Throughs

Taken from Chapter 3 of
An Instructional DVD by Peachysteve


On the previous pages I've been showing only one arm.
I'd advise that you learn everything with both arms, in both directions.
It may seem pointless at first but it really helps to learn advanced moves and for freedon in creativity.

So, once you've learnt the previous moves with both arms you can learn to use two hoops at once.

Start by holding the two hoops with palms facing upward. hooping two arm pushes
Twist your wrists forward to start the hoops moving. hooping two arm pushes
And release the hoops to go into hand rolls. hooping two arm pushes
Push your elbows through. hooping two arm pusheshooping two arm pushes
From elbow rolls. hooping two arm pushes
Push your arms through. hooping two arm pusheshooping two arm pushes
And bring them back again. hooping two arm pusheshooping two arm pushes
Synchronous Arm Pushes.

You can try to alternate the arm pushes too.

Start by pushing one arm out. hooping two arm pushes
As you bring that arm back... hooping two arm pushes
Push out the other. hooping two arm pushes
Asynchronous Arm Pushes.

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to return to Arm Rolls
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to see Elbow Passes