Handmade Hoops by Peachysteve

Elbow Passes

Taken from Chapter 3 of
An Instructional DVD by Peachysteve


You can pass the hoop from one elbow to the other in both vertical and horizontal planes.
Horizontal passes seem more difficult to me but are easier if you can already do them vertically.

On this page I'l look at the vertical elbow pass.

You can pass the hoop from elbow to elbow behind your back or in front of you.
Behind you is more impressive and so people tend to want to learn it more than the front pass.
I'll show both here but I'll do the back first.

Passing the hoop behind your back requires a good sense of timing as you can't see the exchange.
It helps to accentuate the initial swing to give yourself a reference point.

There is a natural direction to this move, to pass the hoop behind you, you must start with forward circles
In forward circles the hoop falls away from your face heading for your toes.
In backward circles the hoop comes up toward your face.

Make sure you are comfortable circling the hoop on both elbows in both directions before trying this.

I'm starting with forward circles on my right arm. hooping tricks elbow passhooping tricks elbow pass
When I start this move I push out to the side to accentuate the swing.
This really helps to get the timing right.
Keep your eye on the hoop for as long as you can
and picture the movement of the space behind you.
hooping tricks elbow passhooping tricks elbow pass
I turn away from the hoop so that it's traveling behind me.
In fact the hoop occupies the same space and I do the moving.
hooping tricks elbow passhooping tricks elbow pass
The tricky part is the exchange so I'll try to show it in more detail.
Both my elbows are pointing into the hoop.
hooping tricks elbow passhooping tricks elbow pass
For a brief moment both arms are in contact.
Note that I'm now turning back into the hoop.
hooping tricks elbow passhooping tricks elbow pass
The exchange is complete. hooping tricks elbow passhooping tricks elbow pass
I've turned through a full 180 degrees.
I'm now doing backward circles with my left arm.
hooping tricks elbow passhooping tricks elbow pass
Here you can see the move run.

It's always a good idea to learn every move in both directions.

You can also pass the hoop across the front.

Starting with backward circles on my left arm.
I swing the hoop upward
hooping tricks elbow passhooping tricks elbow pass
And bring my right elbow inside the hoop.
I'm turning into the hoop this time.
hooping tricks elbow passhooping tricks elbow pass
I keep my right elbow in position inside the hoop
While the rest of my body continues to turn (away from the hoop)
hooping tricks elbow passhooping tricks elbow pass
And I'm back to where I started
Making forward circles on my right arm.
hooping tricks elbow passhooping tricks elbow pass
Here you can see the move run.

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to return to
Arm/Elbow Pushes With Both Arms
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to see
Front Facing Hand Pass